Age of Bangladesh
Time: 1 s
Memory: 125 MB
Victory Day of Bangladesh indicates the date of 16th December. On this day of 1971, Bangladesh has emerged as a new nation in the world. It is the birthdate of Bangladesh. The birth of independent Bangladesh is the most important event in the history of the Bangalee. The Bangalee continued to protest and battle against the exploitation, suppression and discrimination of the Pakistani regimes since the movements against the British rule.

The Language Movement of 1952, East Pakistan Provincial Assembly election, the movement against martial law, different student movements etc. are mentionable among them. Besides, the six points movement, historic case of Agartala, movement for cultural rights, the mass uprising of 1969 and the general election of 1970 contributed to the national renaissance of the Bangalees. These incidents and events have accelerated the anti-Pakistan spirit and motivated the people toward Bangalee nationalism. As a result, the mass people took part in the war of independence as it broke out in 1971. Bangladesh achieved total independence through this blood-letting war.In this December of 2021 we are celebrating golden jubilee over independence.

Bijoy is a young citizen in bangladesh. His grandfather who is a freedom fighter asked him what is the age of bangladesh in year. His grandfather gives him a clue that if he subtract 1971 from current year then he will get the answare. Bijoy is weak in math. You are a great programmer in Bangladesh. Bijoy need your help. Help him to write a program that will solve his grandfathers question.
The first (and the only) input line contains integer number \(year (1971\leq year \leq 3000)\).
Print age of Bangladesh in Year, Which is described in the statement.
Problem Info
Problem ID 60
Time Limit 1000 ms
Memory Limit 128000 KB
Moderators AmirHamza
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