# Time Who Problem Lang Verdict CPU Memory
20886 2 months ago suhri956frj Binary Prime Python 3 Runtime Error - 1 13 ms 8580 kb
20885 2 months ago suhri956frj Binary Prime Python 3 Runtime Error - 1 13 ms 8512 kb
20884 2 months ago suhri956frj Shift the liquid Python 3 Runtime Error - 1 13 ms 8376 kb
20883 2 months ago suhri956frj Rectangle Area Python 3 Runtime Error - 1 12 ms 8376 kb
20882 2 months ago suhri956frj Rectangle Area Python 3 Runtime Error - 2 13 ms 8720 kb
20881 2 months ago suhri956frj Rectangle Area Python 3 Runtime Error - 2 14 ms 8788 kb
20880 2 months ago suhri956frj Max Number Python 3 Accepted 18 ms 8800 kb
20879 2 months ago suhri956frj A Plus B Python 3 Accepted 13 ms 8788 kb
20878 2 months ago suhri956frj A Plus B Python 3 Runtime Error - 1 13 ms 8600 kb
20877 2 months ago suhri956frj A Plus B Python 3 Runtime Error - 1 26 ms 8616 kb
20876 3 months ago esh29 Binary Prime C++ 17 Accepted 2 ms 3612 kb
20875 3 months ago AHAMMED_99 Bonus Project C Wrong Answer - 1 6 ms 7632 kb
20874 3 months ago AHAMMED_99 Binary Prime C Accepted 0 ms 1452 kb
20873 3 months ago AHAMMED_99 Shift the liquid C Accepted 0 ms 1516 kb
20872 3 months ago AHAMMED_99 Rectangle Area C Accepted 0 ms 1508 kb
20871 3 months ago AHAMMED_99 Max Number C Accepted 1 ms 1512 kb
20870 3 months ago AHAMMED_99 A Plus B C Accepted 0 ms 1484 kb
20869 3 months ago AHAMMED_99 Akash and Cipher C++ 14 Wrong Answer - 4 22 ms 4480 kb
20868 3 months ago AHAMMED_99 Akash and Cipher C++ 14 Wrong Answer - 4 22 ms 4568 kb
20867 3 months ago AHAMMED_99 Game On Space Java Wrong Answer - 4 136 ms 40732 kb
Showing 181 to 200 of 2024 entries

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Server Time: September 19, 2024, 8:03 pm