# Time Who Problem Lang Verdict CPU Memory
19747 4 months ago SajidAbdullah Help Akib!!! C++ 17 Wrong Answer - 1 1 ms 3280 kb
19746 4 months ago SajidAbdullah Help Akib!!! C++ 17 Wrong Answer - 1 2 ms 3248 kb
19745 4 months ago SajidAbdullah Worst C++ 17 Accepted 0 ms 0 kb
19744 4 months ago SajidAbdullah Worst C++ 17 Accepted 0 ms 0 kb
19743 4 months ago SajidAbdullah Worst C++ 17 Accepted 0 ms 0 kb
19742 4 months ago SajidAbdullah Worst C++ 17 Accepted 0 ms 0 kb
19741 4 months ago SajidAbdullah Worst C++ 17 Accepted 0 ms 0 kb
19740 4 months ago SajidAbdullah Worst C++ 17 Accepted 0 ms 0 kb
19739 4 months ago SajidAbdullah Worst C++ 17 Accepted 0 ms 0 kb
19738 4 months ago SajidAbdullah Worst C++ 17 Accepted 2 ms 3424 kb
19737 4 months ago Joy Rectangle Area C++ 17 Accepted 2 ms 3516 kb
19736 4 months ago Joy Max Number C++ 17 Accepted 4 ms 3320 kb
19735 4 months ago Joy A Plus B C++ 17 Accepted 2 ms 3392 kb
19734 4 months ago Joy A Plus B C++ 17 Compilation Error 0 ms 0 kb
19721 4 months ago Jabir85 Shift the liquid C Wrong Answer - 1 0 ms 1512 kb
19720 4 months ago Jabir85 Rectangle Area C Accepted 0 ms 1580 kb
19719 4 months ago Jabir85 Rectangle Area C Wrong Answer - 2 0 ms 1548 kb
19718 4 months ago Jabir85 Max Number C Accepted 1 ms 1532 kb
19717 4 months ago Jabir85 Max Number C Compilation Error 0 ms 0 kb
19716 4 months ago Jabir85 A Plus B C Accepted 0 ms 1560 kb
Showing 381 to 400 of 2024 entries

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Server Time: September 20, 2024, 10:02 am